
You can make a difference!

Volunteers support and strengthen our camp community in many ways. If you would like to invest your time or talents in support of camp, here are some ways to get involved:


There are many opportunities to support our campers, staff, programs and operations while camp is running, including:

  • Camper Care - a Sunday-to-Saturday commitment, working with one of the Cairn staff to counsel a cabin of up to 8 campers or a participant through the Integration Program

  • Program Support - for those with programming or leadership experience, help run camper activities like arts & crafts or canoeing, lead a session with the LITs, or support our Coordinators in planning and running camp-wide activitie

  • Kitchen Help - help the Kitchen Staff in preparing daily meals and snacks for our camp community for summer camp, or retreat weekends in the Spring and Fall

  • Site Work - join the Facilities Team to fix, clean, and maintain our physical site, either while camp is running or preparing for and cleaning up from the camp season at Spring or Fall Work Weekend

Year Round

There are a number of groups of volunteers that meet remotely all year long to help support the growth and development of Cairn, including:

  • Synod Camp Board - responsible for the long-term management, development, and sustainability of Cairn

  • Fundraising Committee - help build and steward relationships with those who give financially to camp, including individual donors and nonprofit, public or corporate organizations

  • Site Committee - support the maintenance and development of Cairn’s physical site and buildings

  • Alumni Committee - create opportunities for alumni to remain connected with and engaged in Cairn’s programs and operations

If you are interested in being involved in any of these volunteer opportunities, or would like to support camp in any other capacity, please contact our Camp Director, Robynne “Mapes” Howard at [email protected].