What is Cairn’s culture like?

The pinnacle of Camp’s culture revolves around The 4S’. We teach campers and staff to make decisions guided by these principles. When making decisions, we ask:

  • Is this SAFE (physically, emotionally, mentally)?

  • Does this SERVE the community?

  • Does this promote the SELF-ESTEEM of myself and others?

  • Is this good STEWARDSHIP of our environment?

What is your approach to religion and faith?

We are a Presbyterian camp, recognizing that most of our campers come from a variety of faith and agnostic backgrounds. Cairn emphasizes a values-focused environment, questioning and exploration, and sharing love is key in everything we do. Campers engage in daily "Talking and Learning in Christ" which is a 30-45 minute time of singing, discussion, and activities. We have a sung and spoken grace before each meal, start each day with an opening camp-wide devotion or thought of the day, end each night with a cabin devotion or reflection.

You can learn more about faith at camp here.

What financial assistance, if any, is available?

We are pleased to offer Camperships to families in need. To request a Campership bursary, please email [email protected] to request a Campership Form.

How many kids and counsellors are in a cabin?

Each cabin consists of 2 counsellors and a maximum of 8 campers

Can I contact my kid or can they contact me?

You can send your camper a one-way email to send them notes while they are at camp. Do know this is a one-way communication, so campers will not be able to send emails back to you. To send emails to your camper, please send an email to [email protected], specifying your camper’s name and cabin name in the subject line of the email. Emails sent to this address will be printed and delivered every morning.

To help each camper experience the rewards of a successful, independent stay at camp, we believe it is best to limit telephone contact from home. Please make it clear to your child that, while you will be able to contact each other by phone ​in case of emergency​, you will probably not need to talk on the phone during their time at camp.

My camper is coming with a friend. Will they be in the same cabin?

Please indicate your camper's cabin mate request when you register. If two campers request each other, and are within 2 years of each other we guarantee they will be in the same cabin. We try but cannot guarantee that we can accommodate more than one request.

What is the cancellation and refund policy?

All registrations must be accompanied by full payment or a $100.00 deposit, with full payment due on June 1st prior to the camper session.

Cancellations made up to two weeks before the beginning of a camper's session will result in a full refund minus a $100 administrative fee. Cancellations made within two weeks of a camper's session, unless accompanied by a medical certificate, will not result in a refund of any amount. You can view the full Cancellation and Refund Policy here.